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The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.


The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often.

Our A.S.F. Committee

Meet the members of our Active School Flag Committee

Our First Committee Meeting

We held our first A.S.F. Committee meeting on the 5th of November.

Our Agenda

1. To talk about the Active School Flag. 

2. To share ideas about physical activity. 

3. To discuss an Active School Flag motto for our school.

4. To create a banner of our motto for our A.S.F. notice board. 

5. To share our motto with every class. 


Our Motto:

" LET'S MOVE ! "

Jessica and Nikola carrying out an audit of our P.E. equipment

Survey of Equipment
Survey of Equipment 2

Operation Transformation

10 at 10

10 at 10

Trying out a new activity can be daunting but also fun and rewarding. Our A.S.F. Committee introduced a new award certificate to celebrate and reward all pupils for their courage in trying new things.

ASF Certificate Image.jpg

Active Break Every Day Challenge

Each class in our school committed to taking an active break every day and recording their success on the special chart. Our activities varied to suit the needs of all pupils and included walking, running, bicycles and go-karts, yoga, dancing, basketball, aerobics and lots more.  

Active Break Challenge.jpg

Our Active Gallery

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