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NCSE Resources for Children with SEN during COVID 19 School Closures
A Guide for Parents on supporting children with daily routines while schools are closed
Click here to access some fun activities to celebrate St. Valentine's Day on February 14th!
Our February theme is
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Nature resources
Our January theme is
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Winter resources
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Anna demonstrates washing hands
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Anna demonstrates brushing teeth
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Music Corner
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Cookery Club
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Experiment: Growing Gummy Bears
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Art Club
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Scavenger Hunt Ideas
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Cloud Dough Recipe
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TacPac Sensory Programme
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Mendability Sensory Enrichment
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Self Regulation Techniques
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Comprehensive SEN Toolkit
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Junior Cycle Numeracy at Home
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Life Skills visuals
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30 Day Positivity Challenge
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National Aquarium Home Learning
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RTE Home School Hub
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Empowering Parents Course
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Occupational Therapy for S.P.D
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Wilbarger Brushing Protocol
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COVID19 - Supporting Children with S.E.N.
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School Closure Social Story
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P.E. with Joe Wicks
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NCSE Support for Parents
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Oxford Owl
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School Closure Toolkit
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Structured Home Teaching Session
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Typing Lessons & Games for children
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Dublin Zoo webcams
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Topmarks - Literacy & Numeracy
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ICT Games
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